After thorough planning and study of Government guidelines, we have put together a Covid 19 risk assessment, a cleaning checklist and new protocols to make your stay as safe as possible for all concerned. Following this Visit England has awarded us the following accreditation and thus given us the go-ahead.
We are working hard to make a safe environment for your holiday here at Anstey Mills Cottages. Therefore there are a few changes that we have had to put in place to allow us more time to clean and sanitise the properties for your stay to ensure the health and safety of us all.
Day of arrival
Your holiday accommodation will be cleaned, sanitised and disinfected ready for your arrival and you will notice the hand sanitiser at the front entrance, this is for you and all your party to use each time you enter your property. Please can you arrive not before 5 pm unless you have been told otherwise.
You will also be advised of your parking space.
Day of departure
The departure time for all our properties is now 9.30 am prompt.
On the morning of your departure can you please put all your bedding and towels in the linen bags provided and leave inside the entrance door and please leave a window open in every room, weather permitting.
During your stay
All communication will be at a distance, you might want to ring or video call us and only in emergencies will we enter the cottage.
We ask that you please respect other guests by keeping your party to your designated area. The bike storage and dryer room is not available, except by prior consent. The field footpaths are all open to enjoy. If possible touch gates only with gloves.
If any of your party show any symptoms of Covid-19 during your stay
Guests showing signs of C-19 whilst staying Anstey Mills Cottages are required to inform us immediately and to go for a test at the nearest test centre (Exeter probably). The result of this test must be shown to Doris. If positive then the guest must immediately leave if this is reasonably possible. If for any reason that it is not, and self-isolation is required to take place at Anstey Mills Cottages then all fees for all bookings affected by this self-isolation will be borne by the guest.
We hope you will have a pleasant holiday with us. If you any questions or concerns about your stay, please do not hesitate to contact us. Tel: 01398341329 Doris’ Mob: 07909991735
Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to meeting you, at a social distance. (DBP, 29th June 2020)