25th June 2015
What fabulous weather – the gardens look stunning and I am spending hours watering the hanging baskets, pots and beds…!!! This weekend we might have the well needed rain – much was forecast in the last two weeks on and off and we hardly had any! – but that co-ordinates with Glastonbury Festival (well Max and Leo will enjoy the mud!) and our Ironman 2015 at Wimbleball Lake as well as East Anstey Open Gardens! But if we can trust the forecast it will be just more of the glorious weather we have now enjoyed for weeks! See our guests enjoying the new seat, the Rhododendrons along the road to Dulverton, and some impressions from our trip to Saunton Sands:

10th April 2015
Good news : Numbers are creeping up!Bravo!
Anstey Mills Cottages rated “excellent” by 22 travellers
3rd March 2015
Well isn’t it mad? Already 2 months of the New Year have gone. I apologize, I have not written a Christmas letter nor a Spring Newsletter, that I promised myself. Apart from being late as usual I was rather preoccupied with Bruce, our lovely Kelpie. Yesterday he was put to sleep as we finally found out that it was not his 14 years, quite a good age for a Kelpie, that made him collapse at times and slowed him down…. He had an inoperable growth on his liver. He has been with us for nearly 9 years and was loved not just by us but by all of our friends and many of our visitors, who he managed to entertain for hours! Just look at him!